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Visualize Michel Louge's presentation on the "Role of pore pressure gradients in geophysical flows over permeable substrates" at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara during the conference on Fluid-Mediated Particle Transport in Geophysical Flows on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. The first part of the presentation concerns powders snow avalanches. The second discusses the role of the porous sand bed in desert ripples.

Here are links to Michel Louge's webcast seminar, presentation and abstract at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences for the 2nd IMA conference on Dense Granular Flows on July 1, 2013. All videos of  presentations for this conference are available with this link.

Experiments, numerical simulations and modeling of powder snow avalanches, which we identify with "eruption currents". See this page for explanations, recent progress and journal articles.

The following article points to recent progress by Mitrano et al (2014) on the subject of granular clusters: M.Y. Louge: "The surprising relevance of a continuum description to granular clusters," J. Fluid Mech. 742, 1-4 (2014), doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.650.

In the summer 2014, Michel Louge spent time as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering working on deep-sea eruption currents with Dr. Barbara Turnbull at the University of Nottingham.



Ronald K. Hanson

Ronald K. Hanson, who served as graduate advisor
for Michel Louge at Stanford.


Contact information

office: +1 (607) 255 4193
fax:    +1 (607) 255 1222

Skype: michellouge

Twitter: @MichelLouge


Resume in English (rev. January 2018)

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