program Maw C C This program calculates the collision cycle according to the C theory of N.Maw, J.R.Barber & J.N.Fawcett: "The Oblique Impact C of Elastic Spheres", Wear 38(1), 101-114 (1976). C Other useful experimental data and information is also found in C Maw, Barber & Fawcett: "The Role of Elastic Tangential Compliance C in Oblique Impact", ASME J. of Lubrication Technology (103), 74-80 (1981). C C M.Y. Louge, May 3, 1993. C C Modified to permit impacts between inhomogeneous spheres. Version 1. C M.Louge, March 19, 1997 C integer Ns,N Parameter (Ns=100) real nu1,nu2,E1,E2,D,k,G1,G2,Pi C real RR,r1,r2,RM,m1,m2,diam1,diam2,dens1,dens2 real RR,r1,r2,RM,m1,m2,diam1,diam2 real gt1,gn1,gt2,gn2 real psi1,psi2,ee,psi1min,psi1max real duration,dt,time real rt,rn,gt,gn,bb real Tforce,Nforce,dgt,dgn real mu,zero real aa,h,Nforcemax real srel real eta integer jb,iter,inc,number,stick,mark,Npsi real m,a,b,u,f dimension M(Ns,Ns),A(Ns,Ns),B(Ns,Ns),U(Ns),F(Ns) real sca,scb,sum,test dimension rt(Ns),srel(Ns) integer i,j dimension INDX(Ns),mark(Ns) real ND logical SS(Ns),Flag,choice C Input variables * * N = number of strips * * nu1,nu2 = Poisson's ratio * E1,E2 = Young's modulus (N/m2) * G1,G2 = modulus of rigidity (N/m2) * * m1,m2 = particle mass (kg) * diam1,2 = particle diameter * * mu = coefficient of Coulomb friction * * RR = reduced radius (m) * RM = reduced mass (kg) * D = constant on p.30 of Landau & Lifshitz (m sec2/kg) * k = constant in Landau & Lifshitz p. 31 (kg/Ăm.sec2) * * gt1 = tangential relative velocity before impact (³0) (m/sec) * gn1 = normal relative velocity before impact (>0) * gt2 = tangential relative velocity after impact * gn2 = normal relative velocity after impact (²0) * C Note: the convention for gn & gt is that they are positive before impact. * * dt = time increment (sec) * inc = duration/dt; number of time steps to resolve the impact C * Note that psi1 and psi2 are not defined here as Maw et al: * * psi1 = gt1/gn1 * psi2 = gt2/gn1 * * choice = if true (T) then only one run * = if false (F) then Npsi multiple runs * with minimum psi1 = psi1min * and maximum psi1= psi1max. * C * eta = 1/K^2 in Maw et al; = 5/2 for homogeneous spheres. C C Input from data file "Maw.dat" C Open(1, File='Maw.dat', Form='Formatted', Status='Old') C C Note that in version 1 of the program, the mass of each sphere is input, rather C than the density. MYL 3/19/97. C read (*,*) diam1 read (*,*) m1 read (*,*) E1 read (*,*) nu1 read (*,*) diam2 read (*,*) m2 read (*,*) E2 read (*,*) nu2 read (*,*) N read (*,*) mu read (*,*) inc read (*,*) choice if (choice) then read (*,*) psi1 else read (*,*) psi1min,psi1max,Npsi psi1 = psi1min Open(4, File='Maw.psi', Form='Formatted', Status='New') end if C C New in version 1: enter eta from input file: C read (*,*) eta C Close (1) C By definition in this program, we make gn1 = 1.0 m/sec without C loss of generality. Then the only independent input variable is psi1. gn1 = 1.0 Pi = 3.14159265 C m1 = dens1*Pi/6.*diam1**3 C m2 = dens2*Pi/6.*diam2**3 r1 = diam1/2. r2 = diam2/2. D = 3./4.*( (1-nu1*nu1)/E1 + (1-nu2*nu2)/E2 ) RR = 1./( (1./r1) + (1./r2) ) RM = 1./( (1./m1) + (1./m2) ) k = 4./5./D * sqrt(RR) G1 = E1/2./(1.+nu1) G2 = E2/2./(1.+nu2) zero = 0.0 C Calculation of the Hertzian contact. These quantities will be C used as reference for the output. * * duration = total duration of impact (sec) * aa = maximum impact radius (m) * h = maximum approach (m) * Nforcemax = maximum normal force (N) * duration = 2.943275184* & RM**(2./5.)/k**(2./5.)/ (abs(gn1)**(1./5.)) h = (RM/k)**(2./5.) * (abs(gn1))**(4./5.) aa = sqrt(h*RR) Nforcemax = aa**3/D/RR dt = duration/float(inc) C Initial displacements & velocities * * rt(j) = tangential displacement of strip j (m) * rn = normal approach (m) * * gt = tangential relative velocity (m/sec) * gn = normal relative velocity * * time = current time/total duration of the impact * C Initial matrices * * M(j,i) = stiffness matrix (dim-) * A(j,i) = stiffness matrix for stick (dim-) * B(j,i) = stiffness matrix for slip (dim-) * * SS(j) = stick/slip state * * SS = True (stick) * SS = False (slip) * C Note: A(j,i) is written Aij in Maw et al. * * sca = stiffness coefficient for stick (m2 sec2/kg) * scb = stiffness coefficient for slip (N/m2) * sca = (1./2.)*( (2.-nu1)/G1 + (2.-nu2)/G2 ) * aa/4. do i=1,Ns do j=1,Ns if (j.le.i) then A(j,i) = Pi/2./float(i)/float(N)* & (2.*float(i*i)-(float(j)-0.5)*(float(j)-0.5)) else A(j,i) = ( 2.*float(i)*float(i) - & (float(j)-0.5)*(float(j)-0.5) )* & ( asin(float(i)/(float(j)-0.5)) ) / float(i)/float(N) + & sqrt( (float(j)-0.5)*(float(j)-0.5)-float(i)*float(i) )/ & float(N) end if end do end do scb = 3./2./Pi/D/RR*aa do i=1,Ns do j=1,Ns if (j.le.i) then B(j,i) = sqrt(1.- ( (float(j)-0.5)/(float(i)) )**2) else B(j,i) = 0.0 end if end do end do C In case multiple values of psi1 are needed, then loop over all these: 5 continue gt1 = psi1*gn1 do j=1,Ns rt(j) = 0.0 end do rn = 0.0 time = 0.0 Tforce = 0.0 Nforce = 0.0 gt = gt1 gn = gn1 C First guess of the sign of the relative motion: do j=1,N srel(j) = sign(mu,gt1) end do do i=1,Ns do j=1,Ns M(j,i) = 0.0 end do end do if (choice) then Open(2, File='Maw.hist', Form='Formatted', Status='New') Open(3, File='Maw.slip', Form='Formatted', Status='New') end if if (Choice) write (2,'(f5.4,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f8.6,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f9.6,1HT, & f8.6,1HT, & f6.4,1HT, & f6.4)') & time, & Tforce/Nforcemax,Nforce/Nforcemax, & gt/gn1,gn/gn1, & rn/h, & zero, & bb/aa C Begin impact cycle. C Error control******* number = 0 C Error control******* C New time & displacements: 1 time = time + dt/duration C The following is an estimate of the tangential displacement after the C time interval dt. This estimate is correct for all strips C that stick. However, the actual tangential displacement is generally C different for the strips that slip. After the time interval C dt has converged, the actual tangential displacement will be computed C for all strips, based on the matrix A(j,i) and the elementary C tractions F(i). do j=1,N rt(j) = rt(j) + gt*dt end do rn = rn + gn*dt C Stop when the penetration goes to zero: if ( go to 4 C Error control: stop if too many time increments ************ * number = number + 1 * if (choice) write (*,'(a,i3)') 'step number ',number if (*inc) then write (*,'(a)') & 'Exceeded number of cycle increments' stop end if * C Error control: ********************************************** bb = sqrt(rn*RR) C jb is the index of the first outermost strip to lose contact. C A strip is deemed to lose contact if its mean radius a(j-0.5)/n C is greater or equal to b. jb = int(bb/aa*float(N)+0.5) + 1 iter = 0 C Consider the non-contact regions as slipping in any case: C => Initial distribution of contacts before impact: All slip C because jb=1. 2 do j=jb,N SS(j)=.False. end do C Construct the stiffness matrix M(j,i) do j=1,n if (SS(j)) then do i=1,n M(j,i) = A(j,i) end do else do i=1,n M(j,i) = B(j,i) end do end if end do C Calculate the vector of displacements/tractions for each strip: do j=1,n if (SS(j)) then * C Positive tangential displacement of sticking strips results in C positive tractions exerted by the test particle onto the stand. * U(j) = + rt(j)/sca/scb else * C For slipping strips, a relative displacement in the positive C direction (srel>0) imparts a positive traction from that strip C onto the stand. Because strips that do not C contact are treated as slipping, a statement ensures C that the traction that they experience is zero. * if ( then U(j) = + srel(j)*sqrt( (bb/aa)**2 - & ((float(j)-0.5)/float(n))**2 ) else U(j) = 0.0 end if end if end do C Calculate the tractions; invert the matrix M: Call LUDCMP(M,N,Ns,INDX,ND) Call LUBKSB(M,N,Ns,INDX,U) C Save the traction components; the vector F is in fact F(i)/scb do i=1,N F(i) = U(i) end do C Test each contacting strip for possible changes of status stick/slip: * Flag is normally "False". It turns to "True" if there is * one or more changes in the status of a strip. Flag = .False. ***** * No test if there is not a single contact strip: * if (jb.eq.1) go to 3 * ***** do j=1,jb-1 if (SS(j)) then C Test of sticking regions. The test makes sure that the C absolute tangential traction on the strip does not exceed C mu times the normal traction from the Hertzian solution: sum = 0.0 do i=j,N sum = sum + B(j,i)*F(i) end do test = mu*sqrt( (bb/aa)**2 - & ((float(j)-0.5)/float(n))**2 ) - abs(sum) if ( then sum = 0.0 do i=1,N sum = sum + A(j,i)*F(i) end do SS(j) = .False. Flag = .True. end if else C Test of slipping regions. The test calculates the relative C tangential displacement of the slipping strips. The relative C displacement is the true displacement of the slipping strip, C evaluated using the matrix A(j,i) and the elementary tractions C from the numerical solution F(i), minus the displacement of the C particle at the point of contact rt(j). C For consistency, the relative displacement thus calculated C must be in a direction opposite to the direction of the C local velocity, -srel(j)*[sca*scb*AjiFi - rt(j)] > 0. This condition C is exactly equivalent to the test of Eq. (18) in Maw et al (1976). C There, Maw et al. write srel(j)*[rt(j)-sca*scb*AjiFi]. sum = 0.0 do i=1,N sum = sum + A(j,i)*F(i) end do test = srel(j)*(rt(j)/sca/scb - sum) srel(j) = sign(mu,rt(j)/sca/scb - sum) if ( then SS(j) = .True. Flag = .True. end if end if end do C Error control: stop if too many iterations are required C to find the stick/slip state: if (Flag) then iter=iter+1 if ( then if (choice) then write (*,'(a)') & 'Maximum number of iterations' stop else write (4,'(/)') psi1 = psi1 + (psi1max-psi1min)/float(Npsi-1) go to 5 end if end if if (choice) write (*,*) (SS(i),i=1,N) go to 2 end if 3 continue C Calculate the tangential force: Tforce = 0.0 do i=1,N Tforce = Tforce + float(i)*float(i)*F(i) end do Tforce = Tforce*scb/float(n)/float(n)*2.*Pi*aa*aa/3. C Calculate the normal force: Nforce = bb*bb*bb/D/RR C Calculate the new displacements of each strip from the C matrix Aji and the solutions for Fi: do j=1,N sum = 0.0 do i=1,N sum = sum + A(j,i)*F(i) end do rt(j) = sum*sca*scb end do C Calculate the new velocities: C dgt = - Tforce*dt*(7./2.)/RM dgt = - Tforce*dt* (1. + eta ) / RM gt = gt + dgt dgn = - Nforce*dt/RM gn = gn + dgn C Calculate the proportion of sticking strips in the contact area: stick = 0 do i = 1,N if (SS(i)) stick = stick + 1 end do C Output the results at the end of the current time step: if ( then if (choice) write (2,'(f5.4,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f8.6,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f9.6,1HT, & f8.6,1HT, & f6.4,1HT, & f6.4)') & time, & Tforce/Nforcemax,Nforce/Nforcemax, & gt/gn1,gn/gn1, & rn/h, & float(stick)/float(jb-1)*bb/aa, & bb/aa else if (choice) write (2,'(f5.4,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f8.6,1HT, & e12.6,1HT,f9.6,1HT, & f8.6,1HT, & f6.4,1HT, & f6.4)') & time, & Tforce/Nforcemax,Nforce/Nforcemax, & gt/gn1,gn/gn1, & rn/h, & zero, & bb/aa end if C Write the distribution of stick/slip contacts in "Maw.slip": if (choice) then if ( then do j=1,jb-1 if (SS(j)) then mark(j)=1 else mark(j)=0 end if end do write (3,'(100(i1))') (mark(j),j=1,jb-1) end if end if C Proceed to next time step: go to 1 C When the impact is over, calculate the overall results: 4 continue gt2 = gt gn2 = gn psi1 = gt1/gn1 psi2 = gt2/gn1 ee = -gn2/gn1 if (choice) then write (2,'(///)') write (2,'(1x,A,1x,e12.6)') 'time ',time write (2,'(1x,A,1x,e12.6)') 'psi1 ',psi1 write (2,'(1x,A,1x,e12.6)') 'psi2 ',psi2 write (2,'(1x,A,1x,e12.6)') 'e ',ee else write (4,'(e12.6,1HT,e12.6)') psi1,psi2 psi1 = psi1 + (psi1max-psi1min)/float(Npsi-1) if (psi1.le.psi1max) go to 5 end if if (choice) then close (2) close (3) else close (4) end if stop end C Subroutines from Numerical Recipes for the solution of C a set of linear equations: SUBROUTINE LUDCMP(A,N,NP,INDX,D) PARAMETER (NMAX=100,TINY=1.0E-20) DIMENSION A(NP,NP),INDX(N),VV(NMAX) D=1. DO 12 I=1,N AAMAX=0. DO 11 J=1,N IF (ABS(A(I,J)).GT.AAMAX) AAMAX=ABS(A(I,J)) 11 CONTINUE IF (AAMAX.EQ.0.) then write (*,'(a)') 'Singular matrix.' stop end if VV(I)=1./AAMAX 12 CONTINUE DO 19 J=1,N IF (J.GT.1) THEN DO 14 I=1,J-1 SUM=A(I,J) IF (I.GT.1)THEN DO 13 K=1,I-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,K)*A(K,J) 13 CONTINUE A(I,J)=SUM ENDIF 14 CONTINUE ENDIF AAMAX=0. DO 16 I=J,N SUM=A(I,J) IF (J.GT.1)THEN DO 15 K=1,J-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,K)*A(K,J) 15 CONTINUE A(I,J)=SUM ENDIF DUM=VV(I)*ABS(SUM) IF (DUM.GE.AAMAX) THEN IMAX=I AAMAX=DUM ENDIF 16 CONTINUE IF (J.NE.IMAX)THEN DO 17 K=1,N DUM=A(IMAX,K) A(IMAX,K)=A(J,K) A(J,K)=DUM 17 CONTINUE D=-D VV(IMAX)=VV(J) ENDIF INDX(J)=IMAX IF(J.NE.N)THEN IF(A(J,J).EQ.0.)A(J,J)=TINY DUM=1./A(J,J) DO 18 I=J+1,N A(I,J)=A(I,J)*DUM 18 CONTINUE ENDIF 19 CONTINUE IF(A(N,N).EQ.0.)A(N,N)=TINY RETURN END SUBROUTINE LUBKSB(A,N,NP,INDX,B) DIMENSION A(NP,NP),INDX(N),B(N) II=0 DO 12 I=1,N LL=INDX(I) SUM=B(LL) B(LL)=B(I) IF (II.NE.0)THEN DO 11 J=II,I-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,J)*B(J) 11 CONTINUE ELSE IF (SUM.NE.0.) THEN II=I ENDIF B(I)=SUM 12 CONTINUE DO 14 I=N,1,-1 SUM=B(I) IF(I.LT.N)THEN DO 13 J=I+1,N SUM=SUM-A(I,J)*B(J) 13 CONTINUE ENDIF B(I)=SUM/A(I,I) 14 CONTINUE RETURN END